Relaxation & Self Care During Pregnancy


Taking care of yourself during pregnancy is the best way a woman can start her journey through motherhood. Self-care during maternity increases the chance of a healthy baby, a healthy home, and even a healthy relationship with your significant other. This can be done through daily check-ins or a set-in-stone routine. Nonetheless, maternity care is essential throughout the nine months of pregnancy.

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When it comes to self-care, your partner or spouse has a huge role in a mother’s wellbeing. Keeping up with vitamins, meals, medications, exercise, cravings and much more may seem like a lot but with proper planning and organization, it will soon become second nature. Once you get used to the routines and the cravings, make sure you’re ready for any surprises. As we all know, pregnancy is the reasoning behind lots of unplanned late-night trips to the convenience store; a task that tends to fall on a very non-pregnant partner. But the trips are made anyways; why, because we care.

All of this aside, it’s important to remember that a mother and their partner are a team. While each could do their job on their own, it’s much better together. While this may not always be the case, a woman should never have to feel alone in pregnancy. So while the world is turning ridiculously fast and your belly is growing at an ungodly rate, know that everything will turn out just as it should. While you’re at it, we think it’s a stellar idea to book a maternity photoshoot with Luela Kaba. You never know, it might just lift your spirits.

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